18 October 2013

KENYA : Kenya basketball players cry foul over missing allowances

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 Updated on 17/10/13  |    By NOEL ROBERT

Failure by the Kenya Basketball Federation to honor their side of the bargain and contribute ‘something’ towards the players’ allowance could have been the major cause of the national ladies’ team dismal performance in Mozambique.
The players are now asking for answers from the national federation especially on the matter of allowances which were never paid despite the players honoring all matches in Maputo.
In a mail sent to the federation, the team has ‘troubling enquiries in regards to the recent trip to Maputo, Mozambique for the 2013 Afrobasket tournament’.
Prior to departure on our last day of training, we were promised by KBF that though they would not offer much, they would indeed contribute something towards our allowance. To date, weeks after returning from Maputo, we have still not received that allowance.
Vicious rumors are circulating about where the money went to or if it was even released and for the sake of clarity and transparency, I would just like to hear the truth from the KBF themselves about what has happened to our allowance. I do not want to jump in to hasty conclusions based on “hear say” but instead to give you all the opportunity to give us some feedback.
I am happy with the strides the KBF has made this year in becoming a better organization and I definitely would not want this to be a step back from the progress you all have made,” reads the letter to the federation sent by one senior player seconded by her team-mates.

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