31 May 2011

NIGERIA :DStv PBL Final-8 2011: the 8 teams qualified

The Nigerian PBL playoffs dunk-off on June 20 through the buzzer on June 27. Eight clubs are already waiting to sweat it out for the title with defending champion Kano Pillars basketball club.

Kano Pillars leading the challenge from the Savannah conference and the only team that did not drop any game all through the regular season of the 2010/2011 campaign. Other teams in the race for the diadem include Kada Stars basketball club of Kaduna, Yelwa Hawks and Bauchi Nets basketball clubs of Bauchi, Union Bank basketball club of Lagos, Royal Hoopers basketball club of Port Harcourt, Comets, and Dodan Warriors basketball club of Lagos.

The eight teams will be divided into two groups.

Hi, guantanamera121212
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