17 March 2010

FIBA AFRICA : The Commission of women basket and youth met in Abidjan

The Commission of women basket and youth of FIBA Africa started on Tuesday 16th March 2010 its 2nd session for the 2006 – 2010 term office at the Secretariat general of FIBA Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

For two days, from 16th to 17th March 2010, the participants will discuss the subject on the agenda of the important meeting included the report of various activities, the rules, the age control and the youth competitions’ report as well as the implication and the reintegration of women in the management of the activities. At the opening, Fodé Amara Condé, President of the Commission of women basket and youth invited the participants to «work forward in order to find solutions to promote and develop the women basket and youth ».

« According to the guidelines of FIBA Africa, our Commission has a great place it is why in the framework of the internal process, nothing must to stop our step forward »,precised he before introduced the minutes of the activities approved by the participants composed by Abderraouf Menjour, President of Competitions’ Commission. He urges the Federations to work for a women basket of quality that can compete in the worldwide level.

Menjour insisted on the fact that the works of the Commission of women basket and youth and the Competitions' commission are complementary.


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