17 March 2009

EGYPT : Egyptian Super league finals starts tonight

Three buttels will take place tonight in the 1st round of the super league finals .First buttle will be held in Cairo stadium Gezira Vs Itthad,they Just met three days ago and Itthad was able to win showing a great performance to send Gezira off the quarter cup finals.Second buttle will be held in Amir fisal court when Ahly faces Geish in a real hard buttle for both teams who will not accept any defeat in the first round.Third game will be held in Zamalek court who will be facing somouha this game could be an easy one for the undefeated Zamalek who lost only 2 games in the regular season,while Somouha is suffering since their head coach Sherif Azmy left the team last month heading to his second home Syria

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