22 October 2007

13th Champions Cup for women – Maputo 07: ISPU back to winning ways beat Lupopo 58-37

Instituto Superior Politécnica (I.S.P.U) basketball club of Maputo Sunday rediscover their form to go past late comer, Lupopo basketball club of Congo DR by 58-37 points to stay top of group-B from three matches.

The Mozambican won in the first, third and fourth quarters (24-16, 14-03 and 14-08) while the Congolese only gained upper hand in the second quarter with 10-06 points.

Ana Azinhara led the floor with 16 points, 8 rebounds and one block-shot, Vaneza Junior poured in 11 points, 4 rebounds and one block-shot while Amelia Macamo contributed 10 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists to lift the Superior Politécnica team.

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